Clapped By A Boulder – A Giuliani Story

There’s a story, a made up fictional one, totally and completely untrue, I’m currently reading, about a little kingdom along a little river, that has a God for a King. This little God-King of his little kingdom is sacrosanct to all, or so everyone is made to believe. For when a stonemason of this little kingdom by this little river unwittingly shakes the God-King’s hand, societal pressure forces the stonemason to cut off his own hand for having touched divinity.

This is a totally made up story. It bears absolutely no likeness to the real world. Because in our real world, the God-King is a criminal lawyer named Rudy Giuliani.

“As if a boulder hit me”, he says, accompanied by remarks that Giuliani couldn’t repeat on camera, “about what I am”, which turned out to be a scumbag.

The warehouse worker who dared to lay his filthy hand upon the God-King in his little kingdom by his little river… no, sorry, that’s the entirely fictional story; upon the former New York mayor, scumsucking Trump henchman, and demonstrable liar who has since last summer been suspended from practising law in New York because of his incessant falsifications to courts, lawmakers, and the public, is now facing criminal charges.

Let us make this absolutely clear. A New York warehouse worker is hounded by a deranged ex-lawyer for a slap on the back and calling the documented scumbag a scumbag. In New York. New. York. Supposedly the most rough-edged city(citation pending) in the most rough-edged country in western civilization. Imagine, just out of pure speculation, if the law treated everyone equal, if the US was a sovereign state for the people, by the people, if the police department and the courts treated everyone there as equals, how many fucking assault charges would be raised every single second in that big wormridden apple.

Far be it from me to say that the naturalisation of “criminal” behaviour invalidates the illegality of the act, but… Good citizens of Gotham – I mean, New York! Riddle me this! How many times have you clapped someone on their shoulder or back hard enough to rock them a widdle step? How many times have you called someone a scumbag, or something similarly derogatory? Plenty? Tons? Ten times a-day? Thought as much…

It begs a question, doesn’t it? How come all these politician hard-asses, these vanguards for truth and justice, these self-proclaimed later day scions for responsibility and calibre and hard truths, these gun-toting, pro-life, evangelical crusaders, often turn out to be such massive fucking wimps?

/Sebastian Lindberg 28/6-2022