The Democratic Pied Piper

I fucking called it! I did! I fucking did! I don’t know if it’s documented somewhere in my slew of columns over the years, I hope it is, but I called it! Woot!

This week, a leak oozed out of WikiLeaks that, if true, would validate a few theories on how the hell Donald Trump came to power. It was an e-mail, sent around the Hillary Clinton campaign, which detailed tactics on how to destabilize the Republican presidential race of 2015. One such tactic consisted of promoting and pushing along extreme Republican candidates for the purpose of pushing “reasonable” Republicans towards the fringe, and alienate the Republican party from the US population. Three examples were given in the memo; Ben Carson was one. The Cancun-cunt Ted Cruz another. And last, but certainly not least, the name Donald J. Trump is documented. Clear as day.

And I called it! Hah!

From the start of the 2015 presidential campaign, I’ve said that Trump has to be a ringer. The notion to put him, the blathering buffoon that he is, in the spot-light, could not have been a serious suggestion. No one should have been able to predict that the US public would be stupid enough to elect a racist, misogynist, clinically diagnosed idiot, into the White House. They did, but that’s beside the point. The point is that no one could have believed it.

What plenty of people could believe, did believe, and now post-script; can observe, is that Trump really did shake the Republican party off its axis. And without the benefit of hind-sight, imagining that we’re back in 2015, who would you think would have benefited from such an upheaval? Naturally: The Democratic party.

I mean, all the signs were there. The fact that Trump previously had more connections to Democrats than he had to Republicans. Considering that the Clintons and the Trumps were buddies for years. Just look at how glum the Orange Hydra looked as he was inaugurated. Though to be fair, Trump only really ever looked happy when he was psyching himself out in a room full of Trump-cultists or when he was oogling girls with the elite pimp Epstein.

Let’s wind the clock forward five years. Trump’s presidency is finally over. The Republican party has devolved into a personality cult of Trump. The Orange Hydra himself has gone insane. And the Democrats, although they didn’t manage to put Hillary on the throne despite their best efforts, managed to get another warhawk imperialist bully seem like a “moderate” choice to the US public. Bully-Biden seems like a relief next to Trump (anyone would have), and the DNC can play the saints when really they’re just going back to the dysfunctional status quo.

These five years later, the real winners are none other than the Democratic Party and their corporate sponsors. Maybe not in the way they wanted to, and maybe a victory over a simmering civil war tastes sour to them, still; they ended up on top. And that’s what politics is all about, right? Never mind that the “pied piper”-stratagem didn’t work quite as they had intended it to. Never mind the utter chaos that was sowed. All because there were too many degenerates in a degenerated country that thought that grabbing someone by the pussy was a revolt against political correctness rather than assault.

So how did he become president then, if it was just a show to fuck up the Republican presidential gambit? If he was really a ringer from the Democrats, or at least promoted by the Democrats as the email details, wouldn’t they have just been able to pull the plug when it got close to the finish line?

Well, not necessarily…

Just like Cracked Magazine envisioned, haven’t you ever pranked a friend, and the joke just ran away from you? I do not think anyone in Washington or Wall Street could imagine just how dumb they’ve made their population. I do not think anyone had expected the magnitude of the divide that Trump’s antics would cause. And as soon as shit gets real, it becomes very hard to just pull out. Imagine how angry all those racists and bigots and misogynists and white supremacists would have gotten if someone had broken the campaign off and told them “it’s just a prank, bruh!”.

/Sebastian Lindberg 23/3-2021