Some War Criminals Are More Equal Than Others

“The American principle that ‘no one is above the law‘ has been affirmed”, uncle Joe solemnly says, standing up there at the podium in front of those beloved stars and stripes, in reference to the historic conviction of ex-president Trump. “This is a cornerstone of America – our justice system!”, he continues, like explaining American Exceptionalism to a toddler.

Which is a beautiful sentiment. Shame though that the same “American Principle” doesn’t apply to Biden’s friends. For only the week prior, after the International Criminal Court sent out a warrant for the genocidal Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden called the summons to answer the allegations of war crimes “outrageous“.

I’d list the war crimes that Israel is accused of committing in Gaza since October 7th (ignoring all the crimes committed for the past 70 years before that for brevity’s sake), but I can’t honestly be arsed. There are plenty. Targetting civilians, using starvation as a weapon, making land intentionally uninhabitable, displacing people, murdering children, et al. Just… search for “israel war crimes in gaza” and you’ll get plenty of responses from the UN, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, and onwards. If you can’t see it; you’re closing your eyes. And though Bibi probably never pulled any triggers himself, or cranked the throttle of tanks to run over children, a country’s commander in chief is effectively responsible for its armed forces’ behaviour.

Bibi belongs in the Haague.

But it comes as little surprise that Biden doesn’t respect the international rule of law. His “American Principle” only applies where he is in control. Outside America’s borders, the US can, will, and should be permitted to act without any principles at all, according to the White House. Biden’s is not the first disdainful behaviour that the US has committed against the international community and the ICC in particular. And woe betide any sorry-ass motherfucker who ever even dares to suggest that US soldiers do evil things in the name of their sacred star-spangled banner while abroad.

All of which leaves us with just one question: What is Joe Biden? Is he simply a man so blinded by ego that he cannot conceive of himself as the villain in any drama, who rules by single-minded hypocritical tribalism without the fragrance of a thought as to right or wrong so long as he and his prevail? Or is uncle Joe quite simply a clueless idiot?

/Sebastian Lindberg 11/6-2024

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