…And Iustitia Wept

That moment when the bastion of western civilization anointed a suspected rapist as the highest authority on right and wrong. The public rages, the gender war flares up, and politicians turn a blind eye, hiding behind the skirts of the sobbing lady of justice.

But this is nothing new. It is nothing shocking. The law, and the guardians thereof, has never been concerned with right and wrong. With morality. The law has always been about control. And what greater depiction of control is there than senators choosing a man despised by the public as their high judiciary.

It speaks volumes. It tells the people ”you have no voice”. It says ”the law stands apart from right and wrong”. It says plainly and frankly that no matter how democratic you claim to run your nation, the opinion of the public doesn’t matter. Not as far as the law of the land is concerned. Because the Law never regarded itself to be beholden to the electorate. The intention was never to allow people to chime in on what would be allowed and what would not.

Because the Law was always about controlling and subjugating the population of a nation. In America and elsewhere. And if you ever thought differently, then I should hope this will serve as a wake-up call. And I hope that you will never forget. Don’t let the deaf ears of the court, when the public marches and protests outside, pass into the vague mists of public memory. Don’t let that cold grip of the iron fist of legal authority, granting power over victims to a violent chauvinist, ever convince you that it’s a benevolent hand of protection. And never again tell yourself or others that the law is just and fair, codified morality, a politically blind tribunal.

Because this is not the face of moral authority and a clean conscience.

/Sebastian Lindberg 8/10-2018

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